Saturday, November 18, 2006

Truth of Torchwood by Robert G Parent

Truth of Torchwood by Robert G Parent

Hey everyone, this week's Scifi poem was inspired by the new Doctor Who -- a science fiction series on the Scifi Channel. Torchwood in the series is a secret government project envolving a weapon to distroy alien craft using the Earth's energy focused ( Makes you wonder if something like this hasn't really happen ).

Enjoy the poem,

Listen here for Truth of Torchwood here


Friday, November 10, 2006

Creation's Muse by Robert G Parent

Creation's Muse
by Robert G Parent

Inspiration can come from anyplace. It comes from your life and what you like to do, to watch, to listen to. One of the things I like is scifi and a variety of scifi movies and shows. What do you like to watch? listen to? or do? If your a writer, have you ever tried writing a poem, song, or story about a movie? ( It is fun )

This poem was inspired by an episode of "Deep Space 9" about Jake, who plays a writer. In the episode, a different type of alien appears to Jake and became his muse, but she feeds on his creativity and the thought processes in his brain/mind. Gives a new meaning to vampires. This week as I listened to the netcasts I listen to, I heard an episode of "Paranormal Cafe" where he was interviewing "the Alien Hunter". One thing I remembered in the show is that the Alien Hunter, who is a trained investigator, said that what we think about aliens, angels, and other mythological figures are not what we think they are. Well, that is one book I want to read. I'll look for the link and put it in the comments if you also want to read it.

Listen here for Creation's Muse

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Children of God by Robert G Parent

Children of God
by Robert G Parent

This is a popular topic when it comes to scifi -- God or Children of God. The Cylons in the "New Battlestar Galatica" consider themselves Children of God, which adds another layer to what or who God is. In a variety of New Age type books, the concept of Children of God has new meaning. It is said that ancient civilizations also played around and acted as gods. Its even said in some text that space aliens acted as gods and changed our DNA. Well the wheel of time comes around again. We act as gods in changing and shaping our world and our bodies. Hopfully we learn the lessons of the past and not be doomed to their fate, but instesd be greater then they of the past as we build on what they knew and always stay in the light.

Listen here for Children of God